two moons

a careless woman rips live meat
pink & sordid & sad
from between two languid moons
hand on hip                        hand on clit
rocking her still places together
like something electric

she falls & shakes
enormous floods from a drunk man
sweats & moans
blows like mad licking
fast shots mean as death
one might recall how she heaved in and under him
rocking their still places together
like something electric

  he aims to appease
falling away in spent breath; lungs
blow like mad licking
arid lips stained with sweat
& recalls how conversation once
pulled them together 
hopelessly                     helplessly
a red planet:
the corpulent quiet
between two moons
gravitating an electric orbit   

they are bitter & ride
love like a bull
rocking & electric & aching
as though weakness was the climax
in some vivid dream


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